pp108 : Building Query

Building Query

This topic describes the procedure to build queries.

When creating a Business Measure, you have to build a query on the Process Monitoring Object or the EDO to get the business information from the selected data source.

  1. To build a Select clause query, click Select clause text box and add the required attributes to it.
    • It is mandatory to use 'Aggregate Functions' expression in the Select query. You can use any number of aggregate functions in the Select query.
    • If you are using a lead-time attribute in the query then you can specify the unit of measure (second or minute or hour or day or week or month) for the same by using the drop-down provided just below list of attributes.
    • When you change the alias name in the query of the Business Measure query builder, you have to edit the KPIs built on that Business Measure to rebuild the expression. Consider the select clause: Select Count(OrderID) TotalOrders , where TotalOrders is the alias name. When you change the alias name, TotalOrders, in the query of the Business Measure query builder, then you have edit the KPIs built on that business measure to rebuild the expression.
  2. To add a Where clause query, select Where text box and add the required attributes to it.
  3. To add a Group by clause query, click Group by text box and add the required attributes to it.
    • The Group by clause appears only in case the Business Measure you are trying to build is of 'type Graph'.
    • You can use any number of group by fields.
  4. To add a Having clause to the query, click Having text box and add the required attributes to it.
    • The Having clause is used in conjunction with the Group by.
    • Alias name cannot be validated when the Having clause is used in conjunction with the Group by field. For example, Select sum(PROCESS_NAME) processname group by PROCESS_STATUS having sum(processname) > 5 , is not allowed.
  5. Click Validate Query to run and validate the query built. A pop-up appears upon the successful validation or failure of the query.
    A query is built and validated.

    After you complete this task:
    Click Next to select a Web service and a time-frame for the Business Measure.

Related concepts

Web services

Related reference

Process and Activity Monitoring Types
Business Measure Composite Control Properties Interface
Select X-Axis Fields
Select Y-Axis Fields